Monday, July 9, 2012

Divas Match Makes's 50 Greatest RAW Matches

#16 Trish Stratus vs. Lita: Women's Championship Match (Dec. 6, 2004)

Marking the first time in history that the Divas were featured in the main event of Raw, Trish Stratus and Lita shined like true main eventers. Their rivalry couldn't have been any more personal, as Trish had repeatedly tried to humiliate Lita by poking fun at her pregnancy and relationship with Kane. One month after getting disqualified for breaking Trish's nose with a steel chair at Survivor Series, Lita got another opportunity to capture the Women's Championship and teach Trish a lesson.

Aside from the red-hot rivalry, what made this clash so outstanding were the daring maneuvers that shattered the mold of Divas matches. From a high-risk dive through the ropes to a back-breaking superplex, Lita electrified the crowd by venturing outside of the norm throughout the match. In a thrilling finish, Lita countered a Stratusfaction attempt and hit a reverse Twist of Fate, followed by a mighty moonsault off the top rope to end Trish's 176-day title reign.

Katie's Two Cents: Two words: very predictable. Couple things I'm not agreeing with here. First off, this match was not the first match to have divas main event RAW. Lita vs Stephanie in 2000 was, I'm quite shocked WWE didn't realize that. Second, anytime makes lists like this, we are lucky to get one diva or diva match on it. Although this was a very entertaining match, it does get pretty tiring of always seeing Lita and/or Trish. It would've been nice to see Alundra Blayze vs Bull Nakano on the list or maybe Mickie vs Melina with their falls count anywhere match.

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