Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Honour Magazine's Top 50: #45 Luscious Latasha

In the past twelve monthes the dots have all connected and Luscious Latasha's profile has increased ten-fold.

In the summer of 2011, Latasha spent several months wrestling in Japan for the REINA organization.  Echoing the same stories of culture contrasts between the Japanese and American wrestling scene, Latasha has took on a wealth of new experiences.

'The [was] my first opportunity to wrestle internationally,' explained Latasha in an interview with David Falcon (  'I contacted them and they were interested.'

It is independence such as this that provides Latasha with an edge in the competitive Independent wrestling market.  Expectations are high that as we gear up to close 2012, Latasha will continue to rise to the top.

At home Latasha has experienced success with WSU.  A brief Tag Team title reign with Jana has kept her relevent, but it has been her overseas work that has truly mustered up a fuss.

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