Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Honour Magazine's Top 50: #42 Eve Torres

It has been an eventful year for Eve. 

The WWE Universe has gone through waves of emotion with the Diva Search winner.  Torres first joined forces with Kelly Kelly in their short-lived battle with the Divas of Doom.  Eve earned herself two shots as the Diva's Championship, but was unsuccessful in her quest both times.

Her attentions soon turned to internet sensation and fan favorite Zack Ryder.  It was a moment that afforded Eve the opportunity to inject personality into her flat smiley good guy gimmick.

Eve went from googly-eyed teenager to controlling wench when she turned on Ryder at Wrestlemania.  Though at times chessy, character development suck as this is a rarity amongst Divas on WWE television.

The former Diva's Champion has since adopted classy suits and porn star glasses to become cliche power crazed business woman; and it's working.  The WWE Universe despises her very presence, something Eve seems to relish.

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