Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Honour Magazine's Top 50: #41 Alicia

Since Women's Superstars Uncensored came into existence, Alicia has been one of the company's most prominent wrestlers.

Throughout the past year, Alicia has continued to play a big role in WSU.  Though the company's three titles have been far from her reach, Alicia remains in prominanet position.

In June last year Alicia went toe-to-toe with current WSU Champion Jessicka Havok in a Uncensored Rules match that utillized every possibly foreign object imaginable.

It has been her rivalry with Havok and her Midwest Militia cohorts that has monopolised her year.  At Breaking Barriers 2 Alicia joined Brittney Savage and Mercedes Martinez in WSU's first ever War Games match.

On June 16, Alicia gets her chance to climb back into the WSU Title race with the Uncensored Rumble.  Having fallen short at the 2012 J-Cup, Alicia her assured a victory and promises to be next in line to the main event strap.

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