Sunday, September 23, 2012

Diva and Knockout House Show Results Over The Weekend

TNA House Show Results from Winston Salem, NC 9/21/12

(2) Mickie James pinned Gail Kim. Gail did the heelish tactic of pretending she was going to throw her t-shirt to the fans, only to hold it close to her as if it were too precious to her. Mickie was out next to a good pop. Gail tried to get in a cheap shot by throwing her shirt in Mickie's face only to have Mickie catch it and throw it to the fans. Some stalling by Gail at the beginning. Mickie got in most of the offense, including a Thesz Press off the ring apron onto the floor. Back in the ring, Mickie went for a huracanrana, but Gail blocked her right leg and started working on it. Gail went into a half-Boston Crab working on the injured right leg. Before going for a pin, though, Gail blew kisses at Mickie, who fought out and eventually went up top for another Thesz Press. It looked as if Mickie suddenly remembered she should be selling her hurt leg as she seemed fine after Gail kicked out and even looked to the crowd, then suddenly fell to one knee. Mickie then surprised Gail with a spin kick with her "good" left leg and pinned Gail after a DDT.

Afterward, two security guys helped Gail to the back. Overall, the match was given quite a bit of time and it told a story. Mickie was very over with the crowd even though there was a brief but audible "Let's Go Gail" chant that Gail discouraged by telling the fans she didn't need their help.

(4) Eric Young and ODB defeated Robbie E. and Robbie T. My wife's reaction to Rob Terry was my favorite moment of the night. She hit me with the steroid question and I assured her it that Terry was clean. She was impressed. She also liked this match, which was the comedy segment of the night, of course. It also rounded out the show nicely. TNA booked this show very well, with every match being different, and with the card hitting all the spots: women's match, comedy match, hard hitting match, etc. The crowd loved this match, which started with both teams dancing, and ended with ODB kicking everybody in the nuts for the win.

9/22 TNA House Show Raleigh, NC

Gail Kim comes out to a decent pop followed by Mickie James, who got one of the bigger pops of the night. Before the match can start, Gail Kim accuses referee Earl Hebner of not being able to call a Knockouts match fairly and gets him replaced with referee Brain Stiffler. Once Stiffler is in the ring, Gail flirts with him before the start of the match.

The match was solid with a good pace, including some spots on the outside of the ring. Gail worked Mickie's knee for most of the match to set up for the octopus lock. The crowd was over for Mickie the majority of the match. Notable moments were a close count with a top rope Lou Thesz press by Mickie, Gail nearly pulling off eat defeat and a reversal off Mickie's spike DDT. Gail got the victory with a quick roll up and grabbing the ropes.

After the match, the crowd booed Gail for cheating and Gail convinced the ref she was going to kiss him. The ref held his eyes closed waiting for Gail to kiss him and she ran off to the back.

9/22 WWE Smackdown in Sarnia, Ontario

Natalya beat Rosa Mendes via submission. Rosa came out speaking Spanish to the crowd and once the crowd had enough, Canada's own Natalya came out to a big reaction. The match went back and forth with "Canada" chants throughout. At one point, Rosa went along with it to get Natalya to stop the beat down. Natalya then went for a handshake and turned it into a Sharpshooter. The crowd went nuts and Rosa tapped out.

9/23 SD House Show London, Ontario

3. Natalya beat Rosa Mendes. Natalya got a nice pop, the match was blah. Natty won with The SharpShooter.

9/21 RAW House Show State College, Pa.

Layla defeated Aksana. Time for a break (I mean Diva match time). Surprisingly, the crowd popped huge for Layla. Sidenote, she's kinda attractive live. She pushed the Susan G Komen foundation and gave donation information. Aksana's music hit to zero reaction. The eight-year old two seats away just asked, "Who in the heck is this?" Layla worked the crowd back up but after 30 seconds or so the crowd was dead again.

Aksana posed to no reaction and a 'FIGHT, FIGHT' chant broke out. Holy hell this was a boring match, too slow. There were a lot of ground moves. The highlight of match was a loud butt slap by Layla on Aksana. During some down time, and 'USA' chant erupted. After seven minutes of mediocre moves, Layla won with a reverse neckbreaker. Aksana used a lot of non-PG moves - struts, poses, and mounts. I was kind of surprised at that.

9/22 RAW House Show White Plains, NY.

6. Eve defeats Layla with Aksana as guest referee. Pretty good crowd reaction for a Divas match. Crowd was going back and forth at one point cheering for each wrestler. Aksana got involved and stepped in front of Eve to defend her from Layla. Then Eve hit her finisher for the win.

9/23 RAW House Show Worcester, Mass

Aksana was announced as the special ref for the next match.
6. Eve beat Layla to retain the WWE Divas Championship. Eve won with her Heartbreaker. Aksana repeatedly restrained Layla physically during the match, so Layla hit a KO kick on her after the match.

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