Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Marie Kanellis Disgusted By Responses To Groping Incident

Yesterday, I posted that Former WWE Diva Maria Kanellis angrily  tweeted about a fan grabbing her butt at a recent Ring of Honor show;

"Thank you New York for coming to see Mike Bennett and myself. But the guy in the front row that grabbed my bum, I will have you thrown out next time. You are a pervert!!

"I am not to be touched, ever, by a fan weather I am working or not. It's gross. I am not a toy. You pay to watch, so watch. Don't touch. The only person that can touch is Mike Bennett. From now on you will get thrown out. thank you...

It seems that some fans didn't think that big of a deal to Maria's displeasure of getting groped.  She writes on Twitter;

"So since Marisa Tomei played a stripper and is scantily clad in a movie that gives you the right to grab her? I don't think so. I am a performer and so is she. Your comments disgust me on [wrestling website]."

Katie's two cents: I can fully understand Maria's disgust. As a woman that too has been inappropriately grabbed in public more than once, it's embarrassing and degrading. No one has the right to put their hands on any woman no matter what they are wearing, or anything without their consent. Maria is a performer, not some sex toy. You shouldn't even touch any wrestler male or female, unless they are motioning for a high five.

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