Sunday, September 16, 2012

Eve Torres Catches The Butterfly At Night of Champions

In an odd twist of events at Night of Champions, we start with a backstage segment between Eve Torres and tag team Primetime Players complaining about them not getting a title shot at the tag team titles.
Next we see Kaitlyn laying on the floor with a medic, in serious pain while Eve runs to see what wrong.  Kaitlyn claims that she was attacked by a masked person. The medic and Eve try to get Kaitlyn to stand up, but Kaitlyn is in too much pain to do so.  Eve informs Kaitlyn that it looks like she will not be able to compete in her match against Layla later tonight.

While talking to Teddy Long about the new tag team champions, Booker T is interrupted by Eve who looks to be in a panic about the whole Kaitlyn situation.  Claiming that there are no other divas that have earned a title shot, Booker says he knows someone who has; Eve herself.  He reasons that since she won against a match with #1 contender Kaitlyn a week ago, she would be the next in line.  Eve graciously accepts, thanking Booker for the opportunity.

Couple Matches later, its Divas time!  I'M INSATIABLE, I CAN'T GET ENOUGH.. Champion Layla comes out first in a beautiful new light purple attire.  Cue in She looks good to me, we see Eve also in a new black and dark blue attire.  Bell rings and the match starts with some nice chain wrestling with a few headlocks and wrist locks.  At one point Layla hits a low dropkick right to Eve's face.  Eve gets to the ropes for a break to check to see if her nose is bleeding.  Layla, looking concerned goes to shake hands with Eve. While still holding Layla's hand, Eve kicks Layla right in her bad knee taking her down.  Eve than takes Layla outside the ring and ramming her right into the side of the ring repeatedly, seriously hurting the Champion's rib cage.  Eve gets Layla back into the ring before the eight count with more kicks to Layla's midsection.  Goes for the cover, but gets a two count.  Eve then gets the Divas Champ into a bodyscissors transitioned into a headscissors submission.  At one point we see Eve turning over Layla with her legs and busting her face to the mat (ala Madison Rayne!)  Eve gets to the rope for leverage but breaks the hold from the refs count.  Layla then counters Eve's Heart Breaker Neckbreaker with a great looking DDT.  Layla gets a comeback going with a few dropkicks, clothesline and a spinning face slam.  Eve then ducks Layla's springboard crossbody and gets a successful Neckbreaker for the win. Eve's win makes her the first diva to win the Divas Championship three times.

Katie's Two Cents: Though I would've liked to have seen Kaitlyn get a shot at the title, her time will come. I'm glad to see Eve as champion. Layla's reign just wasn't cutting it for me, so maybe having a heel that the WWE is really putting a lot of character into hold the title would be more interesting. About the match, it did start out a little too slow for my liking, but it got a lot better after a few minutes. I do hope these two have a rematch at the next ppv, Hell In A Cell. Congrats to Eve on winning an historic third divas championship!

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