Tuesday, September 4, 2012

AJ, Eve and Vickie on The Cover of Inside Wrestling Magazine

From The WWE ring to the front page of a magazine, WWE Divas AJ Lee, Eve Torres and Vickie Guerrero have landed on this month's cover of Inside Wrestling. Appropriately title MAN EATERS, all three divas have been very well known for charming the WWE Superstars and leaving them broken hearted.  
Katie's Two Cents: Well I must say its a breath of fresh air to see three WWE Divas on the cover of a wrestling magazine.  These three have been having a fantastic year.  Eve with her heel turn, charming beloved WWE Superstar Zack Ryder then literally giving him the boot at Wrestlemania and becoming Executive Administrator to John Laurinaitus.  Vickie was a great manager for Dolph Ziggler, getting heat like no bodies business! AJ also had a huge storyline love triangle between Daniel Bryan and WWE Champ CM Punk. Congrats to the ladies!

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