Sunday, July 29, 2012

Former Diva Maria Wins FWE Women's Championship For The Second Time

Maria Kanellis has regained the FWE Women’s Championship after defeating TNA Knockout, Winter, last night during Family Wrestling Entertainment’s event, titled “FWE: X” held in Long Island, New York.

This is Kanellis’ second reign as FWE Women’s Champion. She previously held the title as the promotion's first ever Women's Champion before losing it to Winter just one month later.

The finish, however,did not come without some controversy.  As Maria’s boyfriend, Mike Bennett began to destroy various referees for not counting quickly enough during Kanellis’ pin attempts. Ultimately, after a few refs felt his wrath, Maria put Winter away with the Bulldog to regain the championship.

Katie's Two Cents: Congrats to Maria for winning her second wrestling title in her career. Though she's not the best wrestler to grace the ring, her heart and passion for this business more than makes up for that. When you listen to Maria speak about wrestling, she speaks with such love and passion that it makes you respect her so much. 

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