Thursday, June 28, 2012

"Miss USA" Takes A Shot at Madison Rayne

Madison Rayne claimed during a backstage segment on last week’s Impact Wrestling that she was once crowned Miss USA. Her kayfabe remark was brought to the attention of Miss USA 2010 winner and former Tough Enough contestant Rima Fakih, who upon seeing her picture, tweeted, “Well look at her pic u can tell she didn’t win.”
Rayne responded to Fakih, “….hmm, touché. But I’m still ‘tough enough’ to make it in this business… And I have a sweet ass crown. Boom!”
Rayne has since deleted the tweet.

Katie's  Two Cents: All I can say is Go Madison! Seems to me that Miss Former USA is just jealous that her little publicity stunt on Tough Enough didn't pan out the way she wanted. Disappointed that Madison took that tweet down, Rakih needed to be knocked down a few pegs after that little snobby comment she made.

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